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perficis conpeto dominari/

perform compete dominate


  • I pledge to give thanks every day for being alive and for the many gifts I have, not just with words, but by pursuing excellence in myself through mental and emotional discipline, informed perspective, pragmatic goals and an unquenchable desire to succeed at my intended purpose

  • I pledge I will consistently seek to challenge the limitations within myself because I firmly believe that with time and circumstance I can accomplish anything within the boundaries of human limitations 

  • I pledge to assist those who require assistance, to be a person of honor and good character

  • I pledge never to give up, to never quit even when the odds seem insurmountable 

  • I pledge to prove to myself first, and then to the world, that I AM RELEVANT


  • I'm not here to play

  • I'm not here to give in

  • I'm not here to quit

  • I've come to perform

  • I've come to compete

  • I've come to dominate


  • To build and sustain an environment through competitive swimming that fosters excellence in ourselves and others 

  • To be a center where the unproven can gather, develop the necessary skills and become proven 

  • To reach out and assist those who lack an opportunity to learn the life skills we offer 

  • To build a better community by educating young minds and helping them become great citizens

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